Are You Dreaming?

Message From


I've been in love with fashion my whole life from designing to buying some of the most uncommon items I could find. I created Dreamers Boulevard to inspire others to be themselves, no matter how different! I believe fashion is a form of ART. Art never looks the same. It's unconsciously divergent. I view my designs the same way. I make clothes for people who are viewed differently than most. They are seen as strange and out of this world. Alien is what they call us, So Be an Alien! -Jason McMillon


Dreamers Quotes

Being Weird is just being Different. Accept your Weirdness because that's what makes you who YOU are!

Jason McMillon

Beauty only matters when it's your opinion. Beauty isn't the standard the world has set. It's loving who you are and wearing what makes you feel good!

La'Shonda Butler